Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Don't waste your time using DSCC

This isn't first time I felt frustrated using DSCC (Directory Service Control Center). Although I am not someone who prefer using GUI instead of CLI but sometimes, you just want to use GUI either because you don't have time or you feel lazy.

If you try deleting ACI (Access Control Instructions) from DSCC, you will feel exactly  like me, wasted and frustrated as why this doesn't work most of them.

Not only this, if you have Multi-Master replication enabled in your environment, then you might have came across a GUI bug. Ideally, the no. of entries in each server should be same but this is not the case. You will see one of your directory server instance lagging behind the others in terms of record count even though there is no problem in replication setup. In short, if you want to check the replication health/status, please don't use DSCC, instead use insync utility.

So, my advice to all is use CLI instead of GUI.

Anyway, I am going back to work, have to resolve a OIM LDAP Synch.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

ODSEE 11g: Struggle in Setting up Referral

While going through the ODSEE 11g administration guide, I came across the section "Setting Referrals". I do remember configuring referrals on  the directory server when it was known as Sun product, I think in verion 5.2.

Taking this as a perfect opportunity to referesh my memory and dirty my hands, I create two new directory server instance namely, Instance 1 (-p 11389 -P 12389) and Instance 2(-p 21389 & 22389) and populated few records in Instance2. Then, I configured the referral url in Instance2 (so that everytime I do a ldapsearch operation request on Instance2, it should be referred in Instance1) using below command:

./dsconf set-server-prop -h localhost -p 21389 ou=corporate,o=com referral-url:ldap://localhost:11389

but this gave me syntax error saying that

ou=corporate,o=com is not a valid PROP:VAL.
The operation set-server-prop failed on Instance2 21389.

I tried few more possible combinations like:

./dsconf set-server-prop -h localhost -p 21389 referral-url:ldap://localhost:11389/ou=corporate,o=com

I also tried specifying FQDN instead of localhost but nothing worked.

As per the oracle documentation, below is the syntax:

./dsconf set-server-prop -h host -p port suffix-DN referral-url:referral-URL

I don't see anything wrong in my command as per the docs. Nevertheless, I posted my issue on oracle forums and searched for some clues but find nothing on it. Also, I can't find any option in DSCC to configure referrals but you can use it to remove referrals. What the heck!!

I hope to find/see some clues on this issue by tomorrow.

10/03: Tried setting smart referrals and referrals at suffix level but still no luck

Have a good day!