Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sun Role Manager 5.0.3 Quick Installation Guide on WebLogic

Although you can found SRM 5.0.3 Installation guide @ http://wikis.sun.com/display/Srm503Docs/Part+II+-+Installing+Sun+Role+Manager but somehow I didn't find it easy enough to wrap the installation in quick 15minutes, so I decided to try it on my own and come up with my own "How to Install SRM 5.0.3 on WebLogic in 15minutes" guide.

Here it goes:

Here it goes:
1. Preparing Oracle DatabaseExecute following sql files:
• rbacx-5.0.0_oracle_schema.sql
• migrate-rbacx-5.0.0To5.0.1-oracle.sql
2. Download Third Party Jar Files• jasper-jdt.jar
• ojdbc14.jar
3. Preparing Application ServerCopy ojdbc14.jar in lib folder of your weblogic applicaiton Server
4. Installing Sun Role Manager 5.0.3• Create a folder E:\SRM, this will be your RBACX_HOME.
• Create another folder RM_5.0 under E:\SRM and unzip the SRM Installable under this
RM_5.0 folder.
• Create another folder named rbacx under RBACX_HOME.
• Copy the rbacx.war file from E:\SRM\RM_5.0 to E:\SRM\rbacx folder folder and extract it using jar utility. (Take a backup of rbacx.war before extracting it).
• Move the export, import folder from sample folder, indexes folder , reports folder and conf folder of your SRM Installable to E:\SRM.
• Create another folder called logs under E:\SRM. So, structure of your RBACX_HOME
(E:\SRM) would look like this:
.indexesconfexportimportlogsrbacxreportsRM_5.0• Move jdbc.properties file from E:\SRM\conf\oracle to E:\SRM\conf and update the database details.
• Open the iam.properties file and change the location of export and import folder to E:\SRM\import & E:\SRM\export.
• Navigate to E:\SRM\rbacx\WEB-INF folder (folder where you have extracted the rbacx.war).
• Copy the two jar file downloaded in Section 2 to E:\SRM\rbacx\WEB-INF\lib folder.
• Open the log4j.properties present under E:\SRM\rbacx\WEB-INF folder and edit the following property as mentioned below:
• Open the Weblogic console and click on deployment (Lock & Edit if required) and browse
to E:\SRM\rbacx folder. Make sure that you see all the files under rbacx folder.
• Make sure that name of deployment is rbacx and deploy it as an application.
• Click Finish and Save. Click Activate Changes if required.
• Click Deployments, select rbacx and then Click Start > Servicing all Requests.
• Click Yes to start the deployment. A status of Start Running indicates that SRM has been deployed successfully. The status will then get changed to Active.
• Open browser and type URL to access SRM Console.
• Use "rbacxadmin" as username and "password" as password to login and we are done.
I was able to complete the installation using above steps in 15minutes and hope that whoever reads and follows the above mentioned steps could do it in same time.

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