Saturday, February 2, 2013

OIM: Retrieve Access Policy Modified in Last x Days

Hi All,

This is an extension of the blog I wrote in Dec last year :

Basically, the below code retrieves the Role that is attached to the Access Policy along with the Groups that are provisioned using the same. This code is with reference to Oracle Internet Directory Target System. After writing the data to the flatfile, the task also triggers the OIM OOTB "Evaulate User Policies" to propagate the changes to the affected users.

package security.provisioning;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import com.thortech.xl.vo.AccessPolicyResourceData;
import com.thortech.xl.vo.PolicyChildTableRecord;
import Thor.API.tcResultSet;
import Thor.API.Operations.tcAccessPolicyOperationsIntf;
import oracle.iam.platform.Platform;
import oracle.iam.scheduler.api.SchedulerService;
import oracle.iam.scheduler.vo.JobHistory;
import oracle.iam.scheduler.vo.TaskSupport;
import com.thortech.util.logging.Logger;

public class DumpAccessPolicyDataByDays extends TaskSupport {
 HashMap> mapping = new HashMap>();
 tcAccessPolicyOperationsIntf moAccesspolicyutility = null;
 private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("CUSTOM.EVENTS");
 private static final String CLASS_NAME = "security.provisioning.DumpAccessPolicyDataByDays : ";

 public void execute(HashMap arg0) throws Exception {

  final String METHOD_NAME = "execute :: ";
  logger.debug(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + "Entering Method - execute");

  // Output File Name
  String outputFileName = arg0.get("Output File Name").toString();
  logger.debug(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + " Output File Name "
    + outputFileName);

  // Delimiter for FTB Roles in the Input File
  String ROLE_DELIMITER = arg0.get("List Delimiter").toString();
  logger.debug(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + " List Delimiter "

  // Delimiter for the Attributes in the Input File
  String FILE_DELIMITER = arg0.get("Field Delimiter").toString();
  logger.debug(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + " Field Delimiter "

  // Policies Updated in Last x Days
  String noOfDays = arg0.get("Modified in Last x Days").toString();
  if (noOfDays.isEmpty()) {
   noOfDays = "0";

  logger.debug(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + " Modified in Last x Days "
    + noOfDays);

  // Creating FileStream for writing the mapping data
  FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter(outputFileName);
  BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream);

  Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
  SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
  cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -Integer.parseInt(noOfDays));
  String searchDate = sdf.format(cal.getTime());

  // Output File Header

  tcAccessPolicyOperationsIntf moAccesspolicyutility = Platform
  HashMap searchPolicy = new HashMap ();
  searchPolicy.put("Access Policies.Retrofit Flag", 1);
  tcResultSet result = moAccesspolicyutility.findAccessPolicies(searchPolicy);

  logger.debug(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME
    + "Total Count of Access Policies Present in OIM is: "
    + result.getRowCount());

  String policyDate, policyName;
  int policyCount = 0;

  HashSet groupList = new HashSet();

  for (int i = 0; i < result.getTotalRowCount(); i++) {
   long policyKey = result.getLongValue("Access Policies.Key");
   logger.debug(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + "Access Policy Key :" + policyKey);
   policyDate = result.getStringValue("Access Policies.Update Date");
   logger.debug(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + "Access Policies.Update Date:-> "+policyDate);
   policyName = result.getStringValue("Access Policies.Name");
   logger.debug(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + "Access Policy Name:"
     + policyName );

   if (searchDate.compareTo(policyDate) <= 0) {
    logger.debug(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME
      + "Searching for Access Policies Updated Since " + searchDate);
    tcResultSet policyresult = moAccesspolicyutility
    for (int f = 0; f < policyresult.getTotalRowCount(); f++) {
     long formKey = policyresult
       .getLongValue("Structure Utility.Key");
     long objectKey = policyresult.getLongValue("Objects.Key");
     tcResultSet groupResult = moAccesspolicyutility
     for (int j = 0; j < groupResult.getTotalRowCount(); j++) {

      // Role
      String Role = groupResult
        .getStringValue("Groups.Group Name");
      logger.debug(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + " Role: "
        + Role);

      AccessPolicyResourceData policyData = moAccesspolicyutility
          objectKey, formKey);
      HashMap pData = policyData
      Set s = pData.keySet();
      Iterator it = s.iterator();
      logger.debug(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME
        + "Below are the EDR Groups associated with FTB Role "
        + ftbRole);
      while (it.hasNext()) {
       String tableKey =;

       PolicyChildTableRecord[] pChildTableData = policyData
       for (int g = 0; g < pChildTableData.length; g++) {
        String GroupName = pChildTableData[g]
        String arrtemp1[] = GroupName.split(",");
        String arrtemp2[] = arrtemp1[0].split("=");
        logger.debug(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME
          + " " + arrtemp2[1]);
        // Adding the Groups in a ArrayList

      // Adding the  Role as Key and Groups as  ArrayList in  HashMap
      mapping.put(Role, groupList);

      // Instantiating new ArrayList for storing Groups
      groupList = new HashSet();

    + "Count of Access Policies matching Search Criteria is "
    + policyCount);

  // Writing the Mapping in FlatFile
  Set s = mapping.keySet();
  Iterator itr = s.iterator();
  while (itr.hasNext()) {
   String key =;
   Iterator listitr = mapping.get(key).iterator();
   int listSize = mapping.get(key).size();
   int i = 0;
   while (listitr.hasNext()) {
    if (i != listSize)

  // Invoking Evaluate User Policies Schedule Task
   SchedulerService schService = Platform.getService(SchedulerService.class);
   schService.triggerNow("Evaluate User Policies"); + METHOD_NAME + " Evaluate User Policies is Executed");
   //Integer status = schService.getStatusOfJob("Evaluate User Policies");

    // Closing the File Stream
    fstream.close(); + METHOD_NAME +"Mapping written on " + outputFileName);

 public HashMap getAttributes() {
  return null;

 public void setAttributes() {


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