Friday, January 10, 2014

Provisioning OID Groups to User as Per Assigned Roles in OIM

Here is the sample java code to provision groups in OID to user as per the assigned role in OIM. The roles have access policy attached to them.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import com.thortech.xl.vo.AccessPolicyResourceData;
import com.thortech.xl.vo.PolicyChildTableRecord;
import oracle.iam.identity.rolemgmt.api.RoleManager;
import oracle.iam.identity.rolemgmt.vo.Role;
import oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.api.UserManager;
import oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.vo.User;
import oracle.iam.platform.OIMClient;
import oracle.iam.platform.Platform;
import Thor.API.tcResultSet;
import Thor.API.tcUtilityFactory;
import Thor.API.Operations.tcAccessPolicyOperationsIntf;
import Thor.API.Operations.tcFormInstanceOperationsIntf;
import Thor.API.Operations.tcLookupOperationsIntf;
import Thor.API.Operations.tcObjectOperationsIntf;
import Thor.API.Operations.tcUserOperationsIntf;

public class ForceUserProvisioning {
 private static final String OIM_URL = "t3s://<>:14001";
 private static final String AUTH_CONF = "<>";
 private static final String OIM_USERNAME = "<>";
 private static final String OIM_PASSWORD = "<>";
 private static OIMClient oimClient = null;
 Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
 private static final String LOOKUP_COLUMN_DECODE = "Lookup Definition.Lookup Code Information.Decode";
 public tcAccessPolicyOperationsIntf moAccesspolicyutility;
 private tcObjectOperationsIntf objectOp = null;
 private tcUserOperationsIntf userOp = null;
 private tcFormInstanceOperationsIntf formOp = null;

 public ForceUserProvisioning() {
  try {
   System.setProperty("", AUTH_CONF);
   System.setProperty("OIM.AppServerType", "wls");
   System.setProperty("APPSERVER_TYPE", "wls");
   oimClient = new OIMClient(env);
   oimClient.login(OIM_USERNAME, OIM_PASSWORD.toCharArray());
  } catch (Exception e) {

//This method add the groups to the user in OID
 public void updateUserGroups(String userLogin) {
  try {
   HashSet existingUserGroups = new HashSet();
   Long userKey = Long.parseLong(getUserKey(userLogin));
   userOp = oimClient.getService(tcUserOperationsIntf.class);
   objectOp = oimClient.getService(tcObjectOperationsIntf.class);
   formOp = oimClient.getService(tcFormInstanceOperationsIntf.class);
   tcResultSet userObjects = userOp.getObjects(userKey);
            String objName = userObjects.getStringValue("Objects.Name"); // OID User 
            long procKey = userObjects.getLongValue("Process Instance.Key"); 
            long  objKey = userObjects.getLongValue("Objects.Key"); 
            long  childFormKey;
            long parentformkey = formOp.getProcessFormDefinitionKey(procKey); 
            int parentformver = formOp.getProcessFormVersion(procKey); 
            tcResultSet childforms = formOp.getChildFormDefinition(parentformkey, parentformver); 
            String plChildTableName = childforms.getStringValue("Structure Utility.Table Name"); 
            long formkey = childforms.getLongValue("Structure Utility.Child Tables.Child Key"); 
            tcResultSet childFormData = formOp.getProcessFormChildData(formkey, procKey); 
            HashSet groupSet =  getAccessPolicyMapping(userLogin);
            for(int k =0;k             childFormData.goToRow(k);
             String group = childFormData.getStringValue("UD_OID_GRP_GROUP_NAME");

//Get existing set of groups assigned to the user.

//This will remove the extra groups which shouldn't be assigned to the user as per the assigned roles.

             if(!groupSet.contains(group)) {
              System.out.println ("Removing Group " + group);
             long plChildFormPrimaryKey = childFormData.getLongValue("UD_OID_GRP_KEY");
             formOp.removeProcessFormChildData( formkey, plChildFormPrimaryKey );

// This add groups as per the roles.
             HashSet addGroups = new HashSet(groupSet);
             Iterator itrAdd = addGroups.iterator();
             System.out.println(" Add " + addGroups.size());
             if(addGroups.size()!=0) {
             while(itrAdd.hasNext()) {
              String groupName =;
              HashMap groupHash = new HashMap(); 
              groupHash.put("UD_OID_GRP_GROUP_NAME", groupName); 
              System.out.println(" Add " + groupName);
            formOp.addProcessFormChildData(formkey, procKey, groupHash);
  }catch(Exception e) {

//Get list of groups that needs to be assigned as per the Access Policy attached to the assigned roles in OIM

 public HashSet getAccessPolicyMapping(String userLogin) {
  HashSet mappingSet = new HashSet();
  try {
   tcUtilityFactory ioUtilityFactory = new tcUtilityFactory(env,
   moAccesspolicyutility = (tcAccessPolicyOperationsIntf) ioUtilityFactory
   HashSet roleSet = getUserRoles(userLogin);
   System.out.println(" Roles Assigned to the User " + userLogin + " are " + roleSet.toString());
   Iterator itr = roleSet.iterator();
   while(itr.hasNext()) {
    String policyName =;
    HashMap searchPolicy = new HashMap();
    searchPolicy.put("Access Policies.Name", policyName);
    tcResultSet result = moAccesspolicyutility
    HashMap parentFormData = new HashMap();
    ArrayList groupList = new ArrayList();
    for (int i = 0; i < result.getTotalRowCount(); i++) {
     long policyKey = result.getLongValue("Access Policies.Key");
     tcResultSet policyresult = moAccesspolicyutility
     for (int f = 0; f < policyresult.getTotalRowCount(); f++) {
      long formKey = policyresult
        .getLongValue("Structure Utility.Key");
      long objectKey = policyresult.getLongValue("Objects.Key");
      tcResultSet groupResult = moAccesspolicyutility
      for (int j = 0; j < groupResult.getTotalRowCount(); j++) {
       AccessPolicyResourceData policyData = moAccesspolicyutility
           objectKey, formKey);
       HashMap pData = policyData
       parentFormData= policyData.getFormData();
       Set formSet = parentFormData.keySet();
       Iterator formIterator = formSet.iterator();
       while(formIterator.hasNext()) {
        String key =;
       Set s = pData.keySet();
       Iterator it = s.iterator();
       while (it.hasNext()) {
        String tableKey =;
        PolicyChildTableRecord[] pChildTableData = policyData
        for (int g = 0; g < pChildTableData.length; g++) {
         String EDRGroupName = pChildTableData[g]
  }catch(Exception e) {
  return mappingSet;

// This method return set containing roles assigned to the user.

 public HashSet getUserRoles(String userLogin) {
  HashSet roleSet = new HashSet();
  try {
   RoleManager rolemanager = oimClient.getService(RoleManager.class);
   List groupList = rolemanager
   .getUserMemberships(getUserKey(userLogin), false);
   for (Role role : groupList) {
  }catch(Exception e) {
  return roleSet;

 public HashSet readLookup() {
  String lookupDecode = "Lookup.FTB.IgnoreRole";
  HashSet filterRoles = new HashSet();
  try {
  //Read Lookup to Find FilteredRoles
  tcLookupOperationsIntf lookupOps = oimClient.getService(tcLookupOperationsIntf.class);
  tcResultSet lookupResultSet = lookupOps.getLookupValues(lookupDecode);
  for (int i = 0; i < lookupResultSet.getRowCount(); i++) {
   String decode = lookupResultSet.getStringValue(
  }catch(Exception e) {
  return filterRoles;

 public String getUserKey(String userLogin) {
  UserManager usrMgr = oimClient.getService(UserManager.class);
  User user = null;
  try {
   user = usrMgr.getDetails(userLogin, null, true);
  } catch (Exception e) {
  return user.getAttribute("usr_key").toString();

  public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
   ForceUserProvisioning obj = new ForceUserProvisioning(); 
   System.out.println("Program Complete");

Note: I wrote this code for temporary use as in one of the environment, group provisioning via access policy stopped working.

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