Sunday, June 29, 2014

Kill System Restart Process

if you are like me who are lazy and never let their machine shutdown, you might have encountered this message saying that your shutdown will get restart in next X minutes and there is no way you can postpone the restart this time. Unfortunately, this happened to me while I was doing some critical work for my project and a restart would have put 5-6 hours behind the schedule. Initially, I accepted this as my fate, cribbing about how this will impact my schedule and timelines and ultimately wasted couple of minutes.

With only 60seconds left, I thought let's try killing this process, tried various options like shutdown /a shutdown /s, tried finding process using task manager and few more options that were on top of my head but nothing worked. Then I went to google guru for the command to stop it and this time the clock was showing only 25seconds. Luckily, I was able to find the command at 15seconds and I was able to execute it with only 5 seconds left with first two attempts failed due to my fat fingers.

Here is the command:

taskkill /im SMSCliUI.exe /f

Note: This command is case-sensitive.

Google Saved the day for me.

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